T/F: 833-744-7424

You can track the status of your shipment at:


Company Code:  NGLGCIANC

User Name:   trackandtrace@gci.com

Password:   Track&Trace123 (Case Sensitive)

Ship From


Company Name or Individual

Point of Contact:*

First & Last Name of On-Site Contact

Pickup Address:*

US Format Only




Shipper Reference #:

ex. Supplier's Ref. Quote # If none, type leave blank.

Special Instructions For Shipper:

ex. Special Pick up Hours between 0400 - 1800

Ready Date:*

Est. Date of PIckup

Pick-up Ready Time:*

in 30 min increments

Deliver To

Ship To/Consignee:*

Company Name or Individual

Receiver Contact:*

First & Last Name of On-Site Contact

Pickup Address:*

US Format Only




Special Instructions For Delivery:

ex. Special Delivery Hours between 1700 - 1900

Required by Delivery Date:*

Pick-up Ready Time:*

Order Details

I would like to request GoldStreak or White-Glove Service:*

Goods Detailed Description :*

Does this shipment require insurance? if Yes. Enter Total Amount.

Estimated Shipment Value*


Qty *


Dimensions (L x W x H) *

Actual Weight *

Calc. Total Actual Weight

Calc. Total Dim. Weight

Unit of Measure
Length (IN)
Width (IN)
Height (IN)
Per Unit Weight
U.S Standard
Formula: QTY x Actual Weight
Formula: LxWxH/166 x QTY

Hazmat Information

Is this Hazmat?*

If "Yes", Please Provide UN# or Description

Upload Safety Data Sheet:

Choose files or drag here

Accounting Details

Is this Billable to a GCI business client?*

If "Yes", Please specify GCI Client Info:

Project Name:

Account No. or Project.Task Code:*

A Valid Account Code is *REQUIRED* To Proceed with Payment & Booking.

Move Order #:*

If no MO# exist Please type *N/A If Multiple, Separate by Commas ", "*

Purchase Order #:*

If no PO# exist Please type *N/A If Multiple, Separate by Commas ", "*

ER #:*

If no ER# exist Please type *N/A If Multiple, Separate by Commas ", "*

Upload Shipping Document:*

(i.e. PO, 9010, packing list, etc.)
Choose files or drag here

Any additional Documents:

Choose files or drag here

GCI Internal Notes:*

Visibility: GCI Reports Only. (Will not appear on Shipment Documents, Housebills, etc.)

Confirm & Verify

Booking Prepared By:*

You will receive a confirmation summary upon approval.

Preparer's Email:*



Preparer's Email:*


Carbon Copy 1:

username@domain.com One email recipient per field*

Carbon Copy 2:

username@domain.com One email recipient per field*

Carbon Copy 3:

username@domain.com One email recipient per field*